Medical Oncologist :
Medical oncologist is a type of cancer specialist. Generally oncology/cancer speciality is of three types such as medical oncology, radiation oncology and surgical oncology. By academic proficiency, medical oncologists are highly trained with qualifications like MBBS, MD in General Medicine, and DM in Oncology. They conduct extensive patient evaluation, family history, physical examination and laboratory finding to evaluate the cancerous condition. Medical oncologists are super speciality doctor who can address cancers based on their stage, type and size with drug management including chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and biologics. They provide continuous monitoring of the patient’s condition to evaluate the progress or to manage any medication side effects. They tend to work closely with radiation and surgical oncology doctors to provide complete management of the cancer and palliative care.
Found 3 Medical Oncologists in Visakhapatnam
Chinna Gadhili
Arilova, Visakhapatnam
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Plot No.10,11&12, APIIC Health City
Survey No 13P, Chinagadili
Arilova, Visakhapatnam
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Plot No.10,11&12, APIIC Health City
Survey No 13P, Chinagadili
Arilova, Visakhapatnam
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