Thyroid problems :
Thyroid problems are caused due to variations in secretion of thyroid hormones by thyroid gland. If there is excess production of thyroid hormone, the condition is referred to as hyperthyroidism and if there is low production of the same hormone then the condition is known as hypothyroidism. Both of the conditions have different effects on over all body functions. People with hypersecretion of this hormone have characteristic symptoms like profuse sweating, heart palpitations, weight loss and nervousness. In people who have hypothyroidism, symptoms such as weight gain, loss of hair, depression, fatigue and stunted growth patterns are more common.
Thyroid problems are more prevalent in women and people who are assigned female at birth. All of the variations in thyroid diseases can be addressed and treated with medical measures prompting normal function and recovery of the thyroid gland. However, some of the serious stages of thyroid cancer may require surgical intervention and partial or complete excision of the gland.
Found 3 Doctors for Thyroid Problems Treatment in Tirupathi
10-11-389/A, Kotakommala St
Beside Vinayaka Swamy Temple
Reddy And Reddys Colony, Tirupathi
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ICICI Bank Lane
Reddy And Reddys Colony, Tirupathi
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Chandrasekhar Reddy Colony Rd
Reddy And Reddys Colony, Tirupathi
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