Top Surgeons for Tonsils Surgery

Top Hospitals for Tonsils Surgery

FAQ's Related to tonsils surgery

When there is a reoccurent of chronic throat infections to the point that it alters the swallowing capacity drastically and associated with sore throat, pain, bad mouth odor, swollen tonsils and abnormal white or yellow patches; then all these suggest the need for tonsillectomy or tonsil removal surgery.

During the tonsillectomy or tonsil removal surgery, the patient is sedated adequately to have no pain while operating. Post surgery, the patient may feel significant throat pain and discomfort which is controlled by pain management.

If the tonsils are extremely swollen with recurrent bacterial or viral infections, which impacts the daily activities of the affected individual such as eating or drinking then it is highly recommended to be operated with tonsillectomy based on the extent of damage.

The side effects after removal of tonsils could be a complication of surgery procedure like damage to the associated structures, profuse bleeding or infections. However, there are no significant side effects from removal of infected tonsils, the patient's immune system will recover from this stress and work just fine.

Tonsillectomy is predominantly performed in children with recurrent strep/throat infections and exposure to the infectious agents; however, adult tonsillectomy can also be recommended based on the extent of tonsil damage.

It is very routine procedure performed in children of all age groups alike, due to the severity of the throat infections and cross contaminations.

Initially after undergoing tonsillectomy, the patient will have some discomfort while talking, and it takes a couple of months to regain their original ability to talk normally.

Sometimes during the tonsillectomy procedure, a remnant of the tonsillar tissue can be left behind due to inaccessabilty; this small part has the ability to regrow the tonsillar tissue to limited extent. This is however, a very rare occurence and requires the surgeon's intervention.

It may fluctuate from 2 to 3 months for a complete recovery based on the overall health condition of the patient.

Try rinsing with cold water and straight up your head position. If the bleeding still persists, do not hesitate to reach emergency care.

Tonsils are the organs of immune system which play a role in defense mechanism of foreign bodies or germs passing through your throat. They provide protection by releasing antibodies against them.