Shree Veda Multispeciality Hospital - Beeramguda
Multi Speciality Hospital
NH 65, Ashok Nagar
Beeramguda, Hyderabad
About Shree Veda Multispeciality Hospital
Shree Veda Multispeciality Hospital is Open 24 x 7 and delivers advanced healthcare services. It is a pillar in the healthcare sector for many years in Beeramguda. The hospital has a team of well known doctors who prioritize patient comfort and are dedicated to providing top-notch treatments and surgeries. It also provides a variety of healthcare packages customized to budget and patient needs. Shree Veda Hospital Beeramguda also offers various services like general medicine, nephrology, orthopedics, urology, gynecology, neurology, paediatrics, surgical gastroenterology, and ENT. Amenities like a pharmacy and ambulance are available.
Appointments at Sree Veda Hospital Beeramguda can be easily done using Skedoc.com or contact Skedoc helpline 04061626364.
Doctors (2)
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Fee: 500
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Fee: 500
Shree Veda Multispeciality Hospital Services / Amenities
Hospital Services
- General Medicine
- Orthopedics
- Nephrology
- Surgical Gastroenterology
- Urology
- Gynecology
- Neurology
- Paediatrics
- Ambulance
- Pharmacy
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